Try Sceye online
With sceye-Webscan you can test a sceye right away - online - with all basic feature. For a good impression we have recorded a number of sample documents which are now presented in an endless loop.
- Basic features
- The most important features of a sceye are ready to test. You can scan in color, greyscale or black and white mode - in different resolutions - with or without textfilter - and all scans are authentical and allow you a real test of sceye.
- Auto Crop
- With activated Auto-Crop, each document will be detected autonomic (green corners) and when doing a scan the document will be automatically straightend and cropped. It's that easy to get a perfect result.
- Additional features
- This Online-Demo is showing a small part of the possibilities of sceye. With the full sceye-Software for Windows or Mac you will get access to the full set of features like Autoscan*, searchable PDFs*, Bookmode* to name a few. (*depending on the sceye-model)

Learn more about sceye-Webscan
With sceye-Webscan we open a new way for all who want to use a scanner in a browser. The perfect way to scan documents in a webdriven application or process - no matter if the sceye is available locally or on another computer.
- Compatibility
- sceye-Webscan works fine with any HTML5 compatible browser.
- Requirements
- All you need is sceyeX, a normal Windows computer, the standard software installation and our sceye-Webscan setup (available for projects on request).
- Scan-tips
- When showing the scans in the browser, the images are highly compressed in jpg format. Please save a document to get access to the real scan quality.
- Interested ?
- If you want to learn more about it - send us an email at info(at) - we are happy to hear from you.